About Me

Twenty-one, California-raised, and currently attending university. I'm a big food enthusiast, tea and coffee drinker, day-tripper, city-wanderer and artist at heart. I've been given the opportunity to study abroad in Rome for a semester, and I hope to make the most of my time in Europe this year while blogging about the wonderful experiences and things that I discover during my journey.

I'm going in with a year's worth of Italian under my belt but that means there's plenty of room for improvement! Hopefully my blog posts will be sprinkled with little phrases I pick up (Oh, dio mio!) and I'll be adept at simple conversation by the end of my stay.

I named my blog Viaggiarella in the hopes that I'll feel like Cinderella in the country that fits me as well as the glass slipper fit her. I can't wait to be taken on a magical whirlwind of adventure as i travel (viaggiare) throughout the beautiful (bella) country of Italy and the rest of Europe.